
Do the deceased visit us?

Many clients talk to me about strange happenings in their home, car, or a different formation they see in the clouds after their husband, wife, child, dad, mother, father or close friend dies. They try to smooth it over at first like they don't want to sound crazy but their curiosity makes them ask me the question.

My friend lost her boyfriend a couple weeks ago. I heard her talk about each phase of it. It started with her finding him laying by his truck as she arrived at his home. There it went to her transporting him in her car to the local hospital. The next I heard was he was in critical condition and he had an oxygen mask on his face. His children were called in to say “Good Bye” from three hours away but his own twin brother, who was a local resident could not get himself to witness his brother's passing. I will call the man Jim. He died exactly twenty-three hours from the time he entered the hospital.

Jim did most of his suffering at home. He was a daily smoker and drinker who did not want to risk the chance of visiting a doctor with liquor on his breath and his biggest fear was to have his driver's license suspended. Instead, he died. He was not an ignorant man but one who did not believe in doctors or medicine for fear that they would take his freedom away by removing his driver's license.

Jim made a conscious choice to die in a certain fashion. His kidneys had shut down, and he had pneumonia. He had also had a stroke six months earlier and thus lost the use of his left arm. Sally, his girlfriend tried relentlessly to get him to the local ER. Towards the end of his life, he could no longer care for his beloved dog. Sally brought Max to her home for the last three weeks. She was completely absorbed with her job, Max the dog, and caring for Jim from a distance. He had slept away most of his last two weeks on earth, alone in his own place.

I watched Sally go through each phase of this procedure. I heard her words and witnessed the strong emotional support she held onto for her friend. Jim had been in the dying phase for quite some time.

After he passed and the funeral had passed by two weeks, she announced to me that she was going to his grave once again. This time she brought one single red rose with her on this visit. When she got home she heard a strange tap on the outside of her living room window. The next night it happened again, and again, and again. Finally, I said, “Sally you don't have to go to his grave to visit him hours away! He is visiting you!”

Then she started seeing Jim's face in a cloud formation! Now she was a believer! HOW MANY OF US ARE BELIEVERS? Believe and you will receive!