
 Very seldom do I take a trip ever these days but on a whim I did.

I just started traveling alone in the past two years.  I go as a handicapped person which I can account for since I had neck and back surgery and I have a parking sticker.  It sure makes things easier in the airport.

Several years now a friend has asked me to visit his home state and relax.  I forgot what the word relax meant.  No stress from people, only beautiful scenery with mountains, valleys and high elevation to see over grazing sheep, cattle and listen to an occasional pack of coyotes howl in the evening through the forest.  Not afraid at all sitting on top of a huge deck with a 22 foot roof overlooking this beautiful valley. 

The scenery was so beautiful with the leaves of trees rustling, sheep and cattle grazing with the mountains in the background that I sat all morning and evening on this deck. Now this ranch was right in the middle of nowhere.  One had to go 30 miles to the East for a good sized city with an airport or 30 miles West to a good sized city in OK.  We did both.  Out for dinner in OK and to the airport in Fort Smith. For the first time in my life, I was not bored. Of course there was a dog, the mother and grandmother of the house who owned the home and her grandson who lived there also.  We all minded our own business but shared meals, conversation and morning coffee.  A daily trip to the senior center for lunch I would go with the lady of the house who would drive me to experience the best food ever and good old friendly talk without any hostility between the members there.  Medical assistance was 30 miles away but no one seemed to care. The Mrs. each morning stopped at the post office to retrieve her mail and then off to the community center.  If anything was needed you could find it at the largest Dollar Store I had ever seen.  The store carried food items; canned or frozen, produce, hardware, pharmacy, tobacco products,  household items and just anything you could need! 

When someone asks you to join them on a vacation–Go! 

My Trip to Arkansas.